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Ana G

Nichole was AMAZING. The session I had with her was one of the most profound experiences of my entire life. From the very beginning, she has such a warm and kind energy that helps you feel at ease. And her psychic intuition absolutely blew my mind away, she’s an undeniable channel of divinity.  Nichole’s sessions are so much more than just nice words - she’s intuitively creating and channeling the EXACT experience your soul is needing to have. There was an ancestral darkness I had been carrying  in this life, and not only did she unveil the truth behind it - she banished the energy from my life and future lineage. And beyond that, I could feel her spiritual presence with me, giving me strength and support as I faced my darkest corners of self. Nichole’s gift is beyond anything I’ve ever seen or experienced, beyond what I thought was possible, it has opened my eyes. Nichole - your light is a GIFT TO THIS WORLD!! Thank you so much. 

Linda S

Nichole’s Voice is so calming & her energy is so welcoming and loving. I came into the session looking to find clarity & to take those blockages down that have been holding me back from focusing on stepping into my full potential power. Through out the session as she done her work my body felt so relaxed & I could fell the negative energy vibrating out of my body & the feeling of weights being lifted off my chest. Clarity was indeed brought to me & messages I needed to hear.

Jason G

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a Reiki session with Nichole, and I must say it was a profoundly pleaseant experience. From the begining of the session I entered a tranquil space, I felt welcomed and at ease.During the session, i felt a comforting presence and healing energy. I could feel years of trauma drawn-out and centered in my stomach, and slowly released through the healing. Progressing further i felt waves of warmth and relaxation wash over me. It was as though each movement of energy was precisely what my spirit needed.Afterwards, I noticed a remarkable sense of inner calm and clarity. I would definitely recommend this healing for anyone that is interested in it a try.

Sara S.

Working with Nichole was an absolute blessing. She provides a warm, safe and supportive environment while holding a powerful space for healing. I resonated with everything that was channeled through her as my own and she was able to honor and move my emotions through seamlessly while clearing stagnant blocked energies. Reiki is such a gentle and powerful healing modality and would absolutely recommend her to anyone looking for some support.

Dawn G

I asked Nichole for help as to help guide me on my healing journey. I have a lot of unresolved trauma that I want to work with on my own and gain more confidence and love in myself along the way. After having my first reiki session with her I realized I stepped in the right direction. It was a very calming experience but showed me where I was hurting the most and what I needed to work through. Reiki has helped me a lot with becoming intune with my inner self. As the sessions move forward I've noticed less of a weight on my shoulders and a clearer mind. Nichole, being the awesome reiki master she is, is amazing at guiding you through your chakras and helps rid of negative energy. She is quite amazing and has helped me a lot with my healing journey. I gladly recommend Out of the Box Reiki to those looking for a step in the right direction in loving oneself!
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