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Amazing Healers

I have personally worked with these amazing healers and I highly recommend their services!

Alexa Gruber

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Heart Healing, Clearings, and More
I received two life changing heart healing sessions from Alexa. I finally learned how to trust myself as well as making peace with my past with my mom. I couldn't have made it this far without her help!

Katerina Bykat Hybaskova

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An amazing artist who creates pieces that heal your soul!
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I had the honor of connecting with this talented artist on Facebook! I purchased a print of the painting she is holding! Her paintings are not just gorgeous, they are healing!

The Tears of a Pheonix

Oracle Readings
Wow, I received an hour long in depth reading that was shared with me via video. I can look back at my messages whenever I feel called to! She's a powerful oracle and genuinely kind soul who is ready to guide you. 


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Tarot and Oracle Readings, and Coach
I have never felt so seen. MoonFoxMagick Gave me a beautiful reading that was so healing. I left feeling empowered, and I knew exactly who I was! She is a kind soul and a very powerful psychic. 

The Darkest Light

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Singer, Songwriter, Coach
If you are tired of the low vibrational music being shared. You will love her album the Darkest Light. Her music is so healing, and we need healing music to stay in our high vibrations.

Akashic Awakening

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Channel and Coach
Ana is an incredible channel and coach. She guided me through a deep ancestral healing that reconnected me with who I really am! Watch her meditations and your life will transform!

Who is next?

amazing healers wanted!
Hi, my name is Nichole (Posters (Portrait, 34)).png
Are you an amazing healer interested in joining the growing community of amazing healers?  I want to know you! Let's chat!
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