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Hello Light Warrior 

As a Shadow Reiki Master and a protector of angels and light beings, I am a spiritual warrior who fully embraces the dual nature of existence. Through the challenges I've encountered, I have uncovered my true essence—a spiritual werewolf. Like the werewolf, I harmonize the forces of light and shadow, blending strength with compassion, and instinct with wisdom. I walk with you into the deepest parts of your being, and together, we overcome the darkness.

About Me: Your Guide Through the Shadow

Welcome to My Sacred Space

In this journey we call life, we all encounter shadows—those hidden parts of ourselves that hold the pain, fear, and trauma we've experienced. I am here to guide you through these shadows, not as a healer above you, but as a companion who has walked this path and emerged stronger. 

Who Am I

I am a Shadow Reiki Master, a defender of angels and light beings, and a spiritual warrior who embraces the duality of existence. My path has been shaped by the trials I’ve faced, and through them, I have discovered my true essence—a spiritual werewolf. Just like the werewolf, I embody the balance between light and shadow, power and gentleness, instinct and wisdom.

The Spiritual Werewolf

Why a werewolf, you might ask? In many cultures, the werewolf symbolizes transformation, intuition, and the power of embracing one's inner nature. For me, being a spiritual werewolf means honoring both my light and my shadow sides. It means standing as a guardian of the light while understanding and working with the shadows that shape us. This unique perspective allows me to guide others in finding balance and healing within themselves.

Defender of Angels and Light Beings

In this role, I stand as a protector and ally to those who walk in the light—angels, light beings, and those who seek to live in harmony with their highest selves. My work involves creating a safe space where these energies can thrive, where you can connect with your own inner light and the divine guidance that surrounds you.

My Approach to Healing

When you step into my space, know that you are safe. I offer you a sanctuary where your deepest wounds can be seen, acknowledged, and healed. Through Shadow Reiki, I work with the energy that lies beneath the surface, helping you to release what no longer serves you and to integrate the lessons that your shadows hold.

This process isn’t about fighting your darkness; it’s about embracing it, understanding it, and transforming it into a source of strength.

What to Expect

When we work together, you will be met with compassion, understanding, and a deep commitment to your healing. My approach is one of empowerment—I will guide you to reclaim your power, to stand tall in your truth, and to walk your path with confidence and clarity.

Join Me on This Journey

I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we will explore the depths of your being, heal the wounds of the past, and awaken the powerful, light-filled soul that you truly are.

Whether you are seeking to heal, transform, or simply find a safe space to be yourself, know that you are welcome here. I see you, I honor you, and I am here to support you on your journey.




M-S 9AM-11:30PM EST

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